wedge wire screens

2019-09-26|Kategoria: Produkcja / Inne Usługi

Wedge wire screens are products that are videly used in many different branches of the industry. Such components should be durable and strong. Therefore, they are made from rods of a triangular shape. They are mounted on load-bearing wires. They are used for screening, sorting and filtration. If you care about precision and components made according to the best standards, it is worth choosing the Perfopol company"s offer. The main activity of our company is the production and sale of perforated sheet products. In our offer you can find for example the wedge wire screens, perforated sheets and other metal components. In addition, we deal with professional metalworking, using the most modern and precise tools. We owe our success on the Polish and European market to diligence and professional approach to each client. Each component is made of appropriate materials, so ona can use them in many industries.

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